Sound Bingo
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BINGO offers a fun way to practice listening for sounds and target use of the word hear using WordPower™. Pages containing animals and their sounds are found in the groups section of WordPower files. WP42 Basic, 60 Basic, 108 KB. Other WordPower files. Instructions for setup: 1. Print different BINGO boards for each player. Laminate so you. Bingo for younger children. Recognize one of the 48 sounds built into the electronic unit and close the cover on your card frame. Close all the covers on your frame and BINGO! 3 variations of play and each game can be played with 2, 3, or 4 players.
PowerPoint Fixed (Plain)
This BINGO game is a fun way to teach the /p/ sound at the syllable level. Initial, medial and final positions are targeted. Fall theme, but it is great for use in your speech therapy program all year round! Today is Friday 5th February 2021. We are playing Bingo on a Week 5 book on the YELLOW section for a daily prize of €400. Today’s numbers are: 64 – 10 – 45 – 86 – 21 – 20 – 69 – 88 – 2 – 61 Jackpot Day is Next Wednesday 10th February.
Each page of your material is set as a background image on a PowerPoint slide. This allows you to draw on the page as well as move objects onto the page. Great for Telepractice!
PowerPoint Fixed (w/Tokens)
Same as above, but with some of our most common token symbols. Keep the ones you want and delete the rest to make an interactive game for remote play.
PowerPoint Moveable
Each page of your material is placed on a separate slide as a moveable picture. Rearrange and resize as you see fit.
Note: All PowerPoint formats are tested with Google Slides
51 Pictures UsedLoad All
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Bingo with /th, ch, sh/ words
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Letter Sound Bingo
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Sound Bingo is a fun activity in the Montessori classroom for children still learning sounds OR for children who already know sounds. It’s great for multiple children and aims to reinforce letters and sounds, which are, of course, the building blocks for reading.
If you know how the game of Bingo works, you’ll catch on easily to its Montessori-style application. Have a look at the below tutorial by My Montessori Works:
If you’d like to try this at home, what you’ll need is: Bingo cards featuring slightly different letter combinations, corresponding letters that can be matched to the cards and counters/ game pieces to place on the bingo cards (to represent the letters drawn).
Sound Bingo Cards

Sound Bingo Youtube
Encourage the children to sit in a circle and start play by dealing the Bingo cards out to each child. Explain that game works in rounds, whereby each child will have a turn to draw a letter card and sound it out before matching it to the letters on their respective Bingo cards. Game pieces are placed over matching letters and the used letter is placed in the middle.

Sound Bingo Printable Free
The game can be played until a row of three is completed or an entire card – let the children decide.
And a fun extension to the game (suggested in the above tutorial) is to use the same materials for a sound lesson using pictures. The idea is to match pictures to letter cards by identifying the starting letter of each picture and matching it to the correct letter card. This is a good way for children to practice matching letters to sounds and the game, which will help them to see that the letters work together to make words, and ultimately sentences.
Bingo Sound Effect
If you’d like further information about this tutorial, feel free to contact us at We’re happy to answer any questions.
Sound Bingo 2004 Do Re Me
Photo by Susan Holt Simpson on Unsplash