Irish Lottery 49s Latest Results
William hill Irish lottery result is the an other Side game of Irish Lottery Where you can play same game. Which is Also Played into Irish Lottery game. Here same the Rules applied on this Game show. Because all the Samilar Games are Connected with this one. And William Hill Also only Playable for the USA People. Australian Lotto. Hong Kong Lotto. Lotto Results - Numbers 49's. Lunch Time - Sat 06th February. 1 12 21 30 34 43 2. Tea Time - Sat 06th February. 11 15 28 34 37 44 38.

Irish lottery 49s latest results. Get the latest here irish lottery 49s latest results and the latest tips for irish lottery 49s latest results. 49's Results History - Lunchtime and Teatime - UK Lottery.
Looking for the latest Irish results 30 December 2020? Have you read the Irish lotto guide? Is this lotto can be announced on uk49s? All your questions of answers will be provided. This page contains the latest results and you can check the main draw numbers, Plus 1, Plus 2, and raffle.
Results are not enough, you can check the Prize breakdown and most important is “Hot and cold numbers” over the last 4 weeks.

Irish Results 30 December 2020
Main Draw:
Bonus Ball: 28
Plus 1:
Bonus Ball: 27
Plus 2:
Uk49 Result

Bonus Ball: 25
Note: Now it turns to check the Hot and cold balls. So you can find the pattern of numbers. Keep in mind that hold is those number that mostly drawn in the last 4 weeks and cold numbers are those which are least drawn. Players check the results and use the hot and cold numbers and get new numbers.
Try it making 2 to 3 numbers and try them. If it works well then work on this pattern on daily basis.
Hot Balls:
22: Drawn 7 Times
20: Drawn 6 Times
44: Drawn 5 times
Irish Lottery 49s Latest Results
Cold Balls:
Latest Teatime 49s Results
42: Drawn 1 times
27: Drawn 1 times
2: Drawn 0 times
Irish Lotto 49s Latest Results
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